LEDAS prolongs its Geometric Solver Early Access Program. LGS will be available under EAP until its official release, which is now scheduled for December 2003

LEDAS prolongs its EAP LGS - the Program of Early Access to the LEDAS Variational Geometric Solver solution. Within this program, LGS is available for preview and preliminary integration.

There are three main reasons for the prolongation of EAP:

  • In the last month, we saw a large number of new participants in the EAP program as well as deeper interest shown by the existing participants,
  • Quality and performance plans: LEDAS wants to deliver a solution of the highest quality and with competitive performance characteristics,
  • Marketing plans of LEDAS.

LGS will be available under EAP until its official release, which is now scheduled for December 2003.

Immediately after the official release

  • LGS will be available in try-before-you-buy mode with a similar level of support as during EAP,
  • additional support for all groups of our customers will be provided via the LEDAS Incident Management System https://ims.ledasgroup.com/,
  • special prices on LGS will be established for the participants of EAP.