How LEDAS Set Up Remote-Working to “Flatten the Curve”

Alexey Ershov

These days humanity faces one of the biggest threats and challenges in decades with the pandemic of a deadly virus, which has already become a personal tragedy for thousands all over the world.

LEDAS is, so far, fortunate in experiencing no cases of COVID-19 in our neighbourhood. We decided nevertheless to improve our capabilities for working remotely. By working remotely, we contribute to social distancing, which is essential to “flattening the curve,” the primary goal now identified by health experts in reducing the load on our hospitals.

Working remotely is also important to keeping the economy working, as a complete shutdown would cause great losses in output and revenues, and, as a result, possibly in more lives lost.

An efficient infrastructure for remote work implies high-speed Internet connections, as well as local networks free of bottlenecks. These physical-level requirements need to be accompanied by secure protocols with a stable and efficient stack of technologies, and on top of them the appropriate administration of access rights.

Remote work

In the case of LEDAS, we increased our Internet channel to 500MB/s. High-speed fiber optics go directly into our DMZ (firewalled) sub-network to provide an additional level of security to our servers. Using VPN (virtual private networking) from home on their work laptops, LEDAS employees access the powerful servers in our office. Our intranet Web and desktop services for everyday work – consisting of Git, Subversion, Jira, Phabricator, TeamCity, and Jenkins – are working securely and are now fully accessible to our project teams.

Remote work

The mission of our company is to provide high-quality software development services to our customers. Our bigger priority is people. We feel that with these preventive actions that satisfy WHO recommendations we are on a good track to contribute in our own small way to the worldwide fight against the virus.

We encourage everyone who is able to work remotely to do so. We see that it can be as efficient as working in the office, with this blog post being a small example.

Read more:
Work From Home Yields Record-breaking Interest in LEDAS Cloud Platform
How LEDAS Teaches Via Distance Learning
What Statistics Can Tell Us About SARS-CoV-2 Test Results

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