The LEDAS LGS team is presenting a new beta-version of the three-dimensional geometrical solver LGS 3D version 0.2 in framework of the Early Access Program (LGS 3D EAP)

The LEDAS LGS team is presenting a new beta-version of the three-dimensional geometrical solver LGS 3D version 0.2 in framework of the Early Access Program (LGS 3D EAP)

The main characteristic features of the new release version are "move under constraints" feature and methods of overdefined diagnostics. Serious code revision has been made to reveal and fix bugs in modelisation and internal verifier. The implemented functionality provides users with a more convenient way of work. In particular, the "move under constraints" feature enables users to modify the geometric models by simple dragging of its parts to the new places. Methods of overdefined diagnostics allows detecting of overdetermination for input geometry.