LEDAS Anagrams: Seawater Folds

Ilya Lichman

One aspect of intelligence is the ability to quickly run through a range of options. It is not that people must get through alternatives faster than a computer, but that they move systematically and purposefully from one option (when found to be wrong) to another option, finding the better direction in which to move. We are talking here about the ability to adjust the brain to the specifics of a task, about the rapid training of one’s own neural network.

Today we invite you to come up with anagrams that are meaningful to you and that involve our primary topic of interest, CAD/CAE/CAM/PLM/BIM. When we program computers to work with anagrams, they go through words in a dictionary incredibly quickly, trying the various permutations and analyzing the syntactic correctness of the resulting anagramic phrases. But can computers come up with something fun as what we have for you today?

What Is an Anagram?

Let us recall the definition of anagram: it’s a word or phrase formed by rearranging letters in a source word or phrase; all of the original letters must be used exactly once. A typical example is rearranging the letters of “The Morse Code” to arrive at “Here come dots.” This anagram is not only correct, but also clever, as the meaning of the result matches the meaning of the source phrase.

Anagrams can involve arithmetic: “eleven plus two” can become “twelve plus one.” Here we have the same sets of letters in both phrases, as well as the equation (11+2 = 12+1) being correct. Nice!

Anagram Challenge

We suggest you take a look at the following terms that are examples of anagrams in our areas of expertise:

  • Wolfram Step = PLM Software
  • Steward of CA
  • Facts Owe Era
  • We Platforms
  • Two Farm Cascade
  • Seawater Folds

These anagrams may be a little bit more difficult to solve, because some of them use abbreviations like CAD, CAE, CAM, and PLM. Therefore, we will give you a hint: in each of these anagrams one of the words is “software.” We hope that you can now solve all of them.

LEDAS Anagrams

In any case, we are inviting you to not only solve these anagrams but also to make up new ones. Making them can be much more interesting than solving them, partly because computers can solve anagrams for us, instantly. For example, we have noticed that “LEDAS” has simple and relevant anagrams: “leads” and “deals” .

Typos in Anagrams

One more note: when coming up with a meaningful anagram, sometimes it is difficult to place the last one or two last letters somewhere. In this case, the rules allow for “anagrams with typos.” After all, it is more important to make a puzzle interesting than to comply with some spelling rules.

For example, the phrase “few soard cat” is not perfect from the English language’s point of view. (The author perhaps lacked the letter ‘e’ to get the word ‘soared’ and maybe didn’t need the letter ‘s’ to make plural of ‘cats’.) But sometimes such phrases are funny, and so it is alright to have these kinds of intentional typos.

One alternative would have been to find a different phrase (for instance, “few road cats”), but sometimes this makes the anagram less fun, and in some cases it might not even be possible.

Send Us Your Anagrams

We invite readers to submit original anagrams. Send an email to quiz@ledas.com with your anagram (your permutation of letters) and the source phrase made up of words about your area of expertise, your company name, your favorite software, and so on. We will be pleased to hear your explanation why the anagram is important (or funny) to you and to our community.

We’ll choose the best anagrams based on their meaningfulness, along with the names of everyone who submits correct anagrams. (If you don't want your name made public, then please say so in your submission.) We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!

Some anagrams

We see some really good anagrams, so we can't not share them with you:

  • Implements safe rows
  • Usage Data Knots On
  • Check ship's janitor, Noh

Each of these anagrams contains the name of a company and sometimes the last name of one of the key figures of that company. Can you solve these anagrams? Also we will be happy if you send us few more PLM-anagrams.

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