The LEDAS Company invites all interested companies for partnership in its geometrical constraint-based solver development

The LEDAS Company invites all interested companies for partnership in its geometrical constraint-based solver development. A release of the first beta-version of LGS 3D solver is expected in November-December 2004

The LEDAS Company is intensively working at preparing a release of its geometrical constraint-based solver LGS 3D. The project objective is to build an effective and affordable key component for assembly and 3D drawing applications. By today, a complete basic functionality has been implemented, and currently the team pays much attention to accelerate the solver and improve intelligence of its behavior.

A release of the first LGS 3D beta-version is expected in November-December 2004, also within an early access program EAP LGS 3D. The first release is scheduled for the Q2 2005.

Successful development of the LGS 3D project and its industrialization at early stages is substantially supported by collaboration with a number of industrial companies. The companies have clearly demonstrated their serious practical interest to apply the LGS Solver and support its development providing industrial testing platforms and sets of industrial tests.

The LEDAS Company is inviting all interested companies for partnership aimed at rapid developing of the effective and affordable 3D geometric solver. Within such a partnership, you can influence on the solver functionality and time of its releases, you can get your ready-to-use solution simultaneously with the 3D LGS release, and you can also buy a license for 3D LGS under special conditions immediately after its official release.

The early access program for the 2D LGS solution (initiated in April 2003) has attracted about 100 worldwide participants, it has substantially facilitated the first release of LGS 2D, and afterwards it enabled establishing of useful partnership relations. We hope that a number of EAP 3D LGS participants will be even higher and their geography - broader.

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