LEDAS, one of the world leaders in software solutions for 3D/CAD parameterization successfully extends its business by providing 3D parametric models development. LEDAS model designers have enormous experience working with various CAD systems, including well known SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, CATIA and more specific solutions, like ADEM CAD and other.
The core data of parametric CAD libraries technology is a set of parametric template 3D models. With its solid background in parametric technology, LEDAS joined a team of experienced engineers, who prepare those template models either by request of particular parts manufacturer or using standard part catalogues. Models can be created by using ordinary 2D drawings, sample non-parametric 3D models or other sources.
One of the success stories is more than year long collaboration with Canadian VirtualCAD company.

VirtualCAD states the Custom CAD Modeler (CCM) technology can easily be tailored to integrate into any web site. Interface design is customized to match the desired specifications process and steps. Design and Engineering rules are embedded into the logic to ensure the part meets manufacturing and operational requirements. The CCM is particularly appropriate to custom part manufacturers that do not have a catalog of standard parts since customers typically specify the designs themselves. However, Engineers and Designers also need CAD models of standard parts displayed in different positions. For instance: a spring at a specific level of deflection, or a cylinder with the rod at an exact point in the stroke. The CCM makes this possible in a very User-friendly manner. The CCM is truly the highest form of fast and detailed Design Support. It also offers a distinct Sales Advantage to that manufacturer, as it cements their product into the design at the beginning of the design cycle. Further, the part number and name of the manufacturer are ‘etched into the CAD model for future reference.
Thus, Manufacturers of custom mechanical components can provide their customers with the ability to dimension their own parts, and download the CAD models of those custom parts in seconds.
During more than a year of collaboration with VirtualCAD LEDAS engineers have created around a dozen special libraries for customers, manly located in North America. Among libraries development LEDAS provides to VirtualCAD creation of complete end-user web-solutions with customized user-interface.
About VirtualCAD
VirtualCAD is a privately held corporation established in 1992; it provides FREE 3D CAD Models to the Mechanical CAD Design/Engineering industry. VirtualCAD also interfaces with various CAD and PLM/PDM systems, and their services extend to manufacturers and distributors that wish to have the 3D CAD models of their products created and offered on their websites. For more information visit www.VirtualCAD.com.LEDAS is a trademark of LEDAS Ltd.
VirtualCAD is a registered trademark of VirtualCAD Inc., Custom CAD Modeler is a trademark of VirtualCAD, Inc.
SolidWorks is registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation.
Inventor is trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
CATIA is registered trademark of Dassault Systemes.
ADEM CAD is trademark of Omega ADEM Technologies, Ltd.
LEDAS Ltd. is an independent software company founded in 1999; it is based in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. A leader in constraint-based technologies, LEDAS is a well-known provider of computational software components for PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems: geometric constraint solvers for CAD/CAM/CAE, optimization engines for Project Management, Work Scheduling and Meeting Planning as well as interval technologies for Knowledge-Based Engineering and Collaborative Design.
The company also provides services for PLM and ERP markets: software development, consulting, reselling as well as education and training. More information about LEDAS is available on the Internet at: www.ledas.com.
LEDAS Sales and Marketing Department
Phone: +7 383 3356 504
fax: +7 383 3356 256
email: info@ledas.com