LEDAS Has Developed Five (!) Constraint Solvers

What's It All About?

Mar 13, 2020 Alexey Ershov
One of the important components of CAD is the geometric constraint solver. Since the early 1990s, the field was monopolized by a British company, D-Cubed, now a division of Siemens Digital Industries Software (formerly Siemens PLM Software). In 2001, LEDAS began to develop geometric constraint solvers for 2D and 3D geometry, called LGS 2D and LGS 3D. They were successfully brought to the global market, and licensed by dozens of CAD companies in USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, China, and Russia.

While working on LGS, the programmers at LEDAS developed similar software for Dassault Systèmes, which were integrated into CATIA and so are used by hundreds of thousands engineers in corporations like Toyota, Honda, Airbus, and Boeing. Much later, LEDAS was asked to develop constraint solvers that ...

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Companies invite LEDAS to outsource their hard engineering software projects because in our team they find an effective balance between in-house and extendable competencies, the ability to deal with innovations, reliability and quality of the resulting solutions, high level of communication, and reasonable pricing. These advantages have been formed at LEDAS over its 20-year history of implementing knowledge-intensive industrial software development projects.

Near the end of the 1990s, a team of mathematicians and computer scientists from Novosibirsk Academic Lab were involved in small research projects for Dassault Systèmes. A manager at Dassault recommended that we establish ourselves as a private company, as operating as a business would be better suited to developing industrial-scale projects. And so LEDAS, Ltd. was founded on April 1,1999.

The subsequent history of ...

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